Red Pandas

1. Red pandas are the smallest of the panda family and look nothing like with giant panda counter part. They are smaller, more agile, and have red and black fur. Their head-to body length ranges from 20-25 inches and their tale can be anywhere from 11-19 inches. They tend to weigh between 7 and 30 lbs. It is know that there are less than 10,000 in the wild, some estimates suggest there could be around 2,500 left. 


3. Red pandas are herbivores that mostly eat bamboo. They also munch on roots, fruits, insects and bugs as well as succulent grass. Some have been know to kill smaller mammals and birds. Their main predators are the snow leopard (also endangered) and the martens. 

4. As with many other animals, red pandas have become endangered due to the over abundance of deforestation and forest fires. Poaching for their fur and the pet trade market have also fragmented their population. 

5. Because they eat so much bamboo, they keep it in control. If they were to go extinct, bamboo could run wild and take over the area from surrounding plants. Also there are predators that rely on them for their survival, if they become extinct those predators have to look somewhere else, effecting the entire balance of the ecosystem. 

6. The International Union for conservation of Nature has focused on four major projects for the conservations of red pandas; protect against habitat loss, reduce habitat degration, reduce deaths of pandas specifically through poaching and removing man-made threats, and spread and improve awareness. 

7. Red pandas can't tolerate climates above 27 degrees celsius, so they have been forced to go higher into the Himalayas into the colder temperatures. Scientists have monitored climates in areas red pandas are known to live to know when they will move locations.

8. You can donate to the various animal conservation programs out there, more specifically you can donate to the Red Panda Network or Red Panda Rescue who prioritize red pandas. 

- Panthera    - San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance    - World Wildlife    - National Geographic Society  

The Wild Animal Sanctuary    - Red Panda Network    - Red Panda Rescue

- World Conservation Alliance    - Wildlife Conservation Society    - The Born Free Foundation

With the World Wildlife fund you can adopt a red panda. 

Along with donating money you can donate your time. There are several programs that focus on conservation or debilitation that you can sign up and help. Some of which are:

- GoEco    - One World 365    - Volunteer World    

Another way that is easily attainable for everyone is to talk about the problems red pandas are facing and spread the awareness that red pandas are endangered. Social media spreads news faster than ever and it has become easier than ever to communicate with someone around the world. 

Starting your own organization or volunteer program is something that anyone could do, no matter how small, every little bit helps. 

Reaching out to local politicians to increase involvement in the conservation area and be more aggressive in their stance on poaching is a positive way for anyone to get involved. 


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